What causes an abnormality?

Abnormal psychology is a part of psychology that studies people who are suffering from an abnormality in their behaviour. What causes an abnormality? Behaviourists believe that most of our behaviour is influenced by the surrounding environment. Their theory states that an individual, through conditioning and learning, starts behaving in ways similar to the environment in... Continue Reading →

‘All psychopaths are sociopaths but sociopaths are not necessarily psychopaths.’

Both psychopaths and sociopaths suffer from antisocial personality disorder. They share a few traits, yet there are some factors in which they differ. Born from the same personality disorder, both psychopaths and sociopaths are inclined to behave in irrational and violent ways. Psychopaths are superficially charming, manipulating and dishonest. They lack a sense of guilt... Continue Reading →

Delusions and Hallucinations

What is a delusion? It is a false belief that an individual holds on inadequate and irrational grounds. There are various types of delusions one can suffer from. Delusions of persecution is when a person is absolutely certain that he/she is being spied on, or plotted against. Delusions of grandeur is when people believe that... Continue Reading →

Id, Ego and SuperEgo

Sigmund Freud proposed that the human personality was made up of 3 elements: id, ego and superego. The id is the unconscious and impulsive part of our mind that needs immediate gratification of instincts. It seeks to satisfy primitive, sexual, aggressive and all other wishful impulses, regardless of the consequences. The id is irrational, illogical... Continue Reading →

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